PR Veneto FESR 2021-2027

The project financed by the Veneto Region within the framework of the ADG PR Veneto FESR 2021-2027 program, reserved for SMEs adhering to the Regional Innovative Networks, has been successfully completed.
Thanks to this program, and with the support of RIR Tech4Life, our company Nadir Plasma & Polymers was able to benefit from a Gap Analysis service provided by Confindustria Dispositivi Medici Servizi and its partner ISEMED.
Thanks to this service, it was possible to define the adaptation and certification path to be followed to bring a new #coldplasma medical device to the market for the treatment of chronic wounds and diabetic ulcers. We expect to complete this path within 18-24 months.
If you are a company in the sector interested in this application, contact us!
PR VENETO FESR 2021-2027
Obiettivo specifico 1.4 – Azione 1.4.1.
ID Sostegno 10814874
Contributo Ammesso: € 29.500,00