About us
Our history
Nadir is an innovative SME founded in 2008 by a group of researchers specialized in nanotechnologies applied to materials, with extensive experience in the field of technology transfer. Since 2016, the company has focused its activities in the applications of an innovative cold atmospheric plasma technology and in the development of advanced polymer composites. In 2020, Nadir has been recognized as “key innovator” by the European Commission’s Innovation Radar initiative. The company recently obtained patent grants for the new atmospheric plasma device in the United States, China, Japan, Australia, Europe, Canada and India.
The Nadir Plasma device is today used in various sectors, including industrial manufacturing, biomedical, aerospace and 3D printing, for surface cleaning, activation, functional coatings deposition and improvement of adhesion between dissimilar materials.
Nadir’s active polymeric materials, such as electro-conductive, responsive, antimicrobial, and best-performing polymers, are applied in research, manufacturing, biomedical, and 3D printing fields.


Research and development
Nadir is a company strongly oriented towards Research and continuous Innovation. It develops materials, products and devices starting from the proof of concept, to the laboratory-scale prototype, to the final product for the market.
It regularly participates in collaborative research projects both at regional and national level, as well as at international and European level. During the years it created a large network with Universities, Research Centers, small and large companies with which it collaborates on an ongoing basis.
At regional level it is active in several innovative networks (RIR) such as the Air network, dedicated to aerospace, the Tech4life network dedicated to health technologies, the M3-Net network dedicated to additive manufacturing and the Venetian Cluster network dedicated to conservation, restoration, and enhancement of cultural heritage. It is also associated with Confimi Industria.
At national level it is present in the ASI catalog of the Italian space agency, and at international level Nadir is part of the INPLAS consortium, the Competence Network dedicated to the industrial applications of plasma technologies.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.